Welcome to the 1941 Coupe Project
Week 5, June 27 thru July 3, 2005
The body and the front clip are on and its time to
see how the motor lines up to the fire wall. hopefully it will be close.
At first the motor was way to far away from the firewall. We had to move
the motor back 6" to get it in the right spot. I will take some pics of
the mount plates that I made next week. The whole thing was moved and then
the body was set on again. This is getting to be a lot of on and off.
Picture showing the motor in the bay.
Clearances from the front of the motor to the radiator are better. This
will definitely be an electric fan project. After all this, everything
will need to come off and get ready to put the final touches on the tranny mount
and the rear end torque arm.